Club Car Mcor Diagnosis - Replacement

When diagnosing a golf cart for MCOR issues, plug up the IQDM (hand held club car computer). After the IQDM boots up, depending on which IQDM you have, click on the tab that says "MONITOR". Under this tab you can monitor all cart functions live either while the cart is sitting still or while it is being driven.

To test the MCOR, look for the line item that says THROTLE. With the cart in neutral, slowly depress the gas pedal. You should verify that the throttle moves from 0% to 100% in a smooth manner. If you see it jump around (ie. 17% up to 30% or back to 10% erratically) you have a bad MCOR. If you don't see it go all the way to 100% you have a bad MCOR. If it takes forever to start showing movement then quickly spikes up way past the low numbers, you have a bad MCOR.

The second test on this MCOR is to verify the two wire on off switch is working on the MCOR. To test this, stay in the MONITOR tab, and tab down till you see "FOOT INPUT". This should say "OFF". When you depress the gas pedal, it should say "ON". If this does not happen, you have a bad MCOR. While in MONITOR you can also verify all the other inputs the same way as the FOOT INPUT. Forward Reverse and Key can be tested as either ON or OFF when switching to these functions. *OEM* Club Car Precedent MCOR 2 to 4 Conversion (2008.5-up) Golf Cart AM293001 MCOR Accelerator for Club Car Precedent Golf Carts (2004-2011)  King of Carts - Golf Cart Superstore (843) 650-2497 

Main number Surfside Beach:
(843) 650-2497

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